Rota Nanny; Benefit from 24/7 - kind, permanent, fully professional childcare support.

Are you looking for a rota nanny?
We provide successful teams of rota nannies, also single rota nannies, for busy households.
Rota Nannies provide continuous care and are popular with our professional, UHNW and VIP families. These are families who often run multi-staffed households and require full 24/7 professional, reliable childcare. Variations also work well, 12/7 or 14/5, whatever you need.
A Rota Nanny will share the position with at least one other nanny on a rota, as they are responsible for their charges day and usually night, until they hand-over to the 2nd Rota Nanny.
Our nannies who work on a rota basis are of the highest calibre. These nannies are experienced, well educated, qualified and well used to the demands of a high profile family environment.
Kinder Rota Nannies come with excellent references from previous rota nanny positions and other nanny roles. Furthermore, they are qualified and have additional skills which are useful
Nannies who choose to be rota nannies often prefer this arrangement to the normal nanny position. They enjoy working 24/7, as it allows them to be with the child/ren throughout day, evening and night (if the child awakes). Supporting and caring for the child day and night means they form a closer bond. Rota nannies also value the periods when they are off rota, as they can pursue their other interests - and they usually have plenty.
Schedule of a Rota Nanny
A Rota Nanny's schedule is a pre-determined arrangement where they may be engaged to work 24/7 for 1, 2 or even 3 weeks at a time before taking the same period (usually) as a break. During her/his rest time, the other rota nanny will take over. Some rota arrangements are daytime only, usually 12 hour days, and don't include the night.
A Rota Nanny's Duties
- The duties are much the same as a normal nanny;
- full nursery duties
- planning and setting up of learning through play activities
- arranging outdoor play and fun and educational outings
- preparing and/or feeding of age-appropriate nutritious meals
- developing the child's physical, social and mental skills.
- Teaching of manners and etiquette
More is expected of a rota nanny
Many of the families who engage nannies on a rotational schedule are high profile. Their nanny may be required to possess more skills or experience and may have additional tasks, more travelling, or may share their work with others in the household. Although the children's care is fully covered by staff, the parents will of course be present and may take over or join in, when they are available.
Being service-oriented, flexible and adaptable is absolutely key. They need to be able to read people and situations, know when to step back and when to step forward.
Rota nannies are the nanny-elite.
Our rotational nannies have all gained previous experience of working either as a rota nanny, or within a multi-staffed household (or both). This means they understand how it works and what is expected of them. Our nannies have worked in the UK and internationally, for royal families, very high profile families and occasionally through challenging situations. Kinder's Rota Nannies are true professionals.

What to look for in selecting a great rota nanny?
Rota nannies have to be:
- particularly good at planning and organising.
- and preparing for a seamless hand-over to or from 2nd nanny, when going off rota.
- happy to work as part of a team and also work and think independently.
- think ahead, plan, and anticipate events which may or may not occur in the future, and the consequences.
- keep parents informed about their children's events, record activities and share these with the parents, but not place demands on their time.
- flexible to change plans or travel at short notice.
- be resilient, other staff member or the principal might be having a bad day,
- have skills as a teacher, PA, chef, driver, swimming instructor, confidante - all these might be called upon.
- Be presentable at all times - nannies represent the family.
- absolutely discreet. Not sharing any information even with their own family members or partner.
- loyal and putting the employer first.
- do everything to ensure the smooth running of the household and the cohesive running of the staff team.
Rotational nannies have a comprehensive set of skills, including soft skills, which enable them to offer complete care of their charges day and night. They are responsible for the children's diet, activities, sleeping, social arrangements, day to day education matters, packing, travelling and unpacking, organising of medical and dental appointments. Moreover, it always involves a degree of proxy parenting. Parents will direct and need to be kept fully informed at all times, in an appropriate way.
Get in touch today to find out which of our rota nannies we have available for you, in London, UK, Europe, Middle East, USA and world wide.
We are more than happy to liaise with the principal's PA or EA, concierge service or family office team.

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